“Hang Your Shirt”
/Sometimes I forget, but on Saturday I plan to select and hang up my shirt so it’s all ready for Sunday.
I suppose I’m a bit traditional — I usually wear a dress shirt and tie to preach on Sunday morning. So why prep my shirt the day before? I do this because I believe that what we do on Saturday (and Friday, and Thursday, etc.) prepares us for proper Worship on Sunday. I want my heart to be ready, so my “formal” physical prep begins at least the day before.
Sure, this is a seemingly insignificant task that may take me 40-some seconds to complete, but maybe, just maybe, this simple physical act shows a glimpse into my spirit, into what really matters to me and into my intentions. I do know that if I’m not thinking, preparing and believing on Saturday, chances are my Sunday work and worship will be a spiritual dud.
I believe everything we do is spiritual, so the reality is, I’m not picking and prepping a shirt, I’m communicating “I want my heart and soul to be ready” for The Lord’s day.
Solomon’s son Rehoboam was an evil King who rejected wise council and harshly ruled God’s people. The Word plainly tells us why he failed
“[Rehoboam] did evil, because he did not prepare his heart to seek the LORD.”
Rehoboam was evil because he didn’t “hang his shirt.” In God’s eyes, his spiritual lack of preparation communicated “I’m uninterested.” Rehoboam’s lack of preparation proved that he didn’t follow The Lord with his heart.