Desert Living

Desert Living

What do you require of The Lord to grow, blossom and produce spiritual fruit? From what I can see, it seems that it’s natural for many in churches to beg God for the perfect environment first before they serve Him and bear fruit. The problem is...

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Busy and Distracted

Busy and Distracted

Since creation and the beginning of mankind there have been 7 days in every week and 24 hours in each day. How many times have you heard someone say something to the effect of ‘it just seems like there aren’t enough hours in my day’ or ‘boy, time sure does seem to be flying by”? I believe that this (seeming) scarcity of time is because our schedules are under attack by...

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THE Most Powerful Force

THE Most Powerful Force

Today I’d like to write about the most powerful force in the universe. 

Nuclear weapons and the radioactivity that they leave behind are recognized as a powerful and long lasting force, but these bombs cannot be compared to the most powerful force in the universe which is...

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